Sitemap for Winton Pharmacy Ltd
- Welcome to Winton Pharmacy
- Winton Pharmacy
- Products
- Promotions
- Health Services
- Prescriptions
- Warfarin INR Testing
- Melatonin
- Oral Contraceptive Prescribing
- Medication packs
- Vaccinations
- New Confidential service
- Postinor-1 (ECP or the morning after pill)
- Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
- Conjunctivitis
- Vaginal Thrush
- Other Services
- Contact Us
Winton Pharmacy Ltd Team
- Geoff and Michelle Carleton...Pharmacists
- Barbara Shaw..Retail Manager
- Margaret Johnson...Carletons Health Centre Shop assistant
- Madeleine Miles - pharmacist / owner
- Toni McKee - pharmacist
- Lynne Laverty
- Emma Heatherington
- Jasmine Drummond
Winton Pharmacy Ltd News
- Musashi.. Sports Nutrition Supplements
- Vitamin B injections
- Sleep Help Available Now
- Be Kind
- Elevit 100's for $80
- Redoxon Immunity
- Avene
- Viralex Attack
- Anoint
- Bondi Sands Aero
- Go Hemp Seed Oil
- 30% off Health Supplements
- Look good and Feel great brochure out now
- Daylong Sunscreen
- Ethique with purchase
- Revlon Gift with Purchase
- Urox
- Go Healthy Kids Vitamins range
- Kids Peaceful Dreams Liquid
- Our Lastest Brochure
- Skimmies Sungel
- Trilogy Gift with Purchase
- New Summer Brochure out now
- Moo Goo
- Buy Turmeric Extra Strength 30's for $10 when you buy any Good Health Product
- Go Healthy Vitamin Specials
- SPECIAL on Nutralife Glucosamine and Turmeric
- Free GO HEalthy Fish oil when you spend $30 on Go Healthy products
- Revlon Gift with Purchase
- Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar available now
- Advil ..Special price
- Summer Brochure
- Pharmacist Oral Contraceptive Prescribing
- Artemis Teas
- Voltaren Osteo Gel 12 hourly
- Natio Home Happiness range
- Win the Ultimate Fitness Pack with ADVIL
- View our latest Brochure
- Clinicians Digest Repair
- Revlon Gift with Love
- Bondi Sands....Gradual Tanning Foam
- Daylong ..Allday sun protection
- Ripsnore...anti-snoring device
- Bondi Sands ..Ultra Dark tan
- Summer Brochure
- Congratulations to the Winner of the Spring Promotion
- Natural Hayfever Remedy...Allerstop
- Gift Ideas Arriving in Store NOW
- Spring Wellness Brochure out now
- Trilogy Gift with Purchase
- Time for Buccaline again
- Go-Healthy Glucosamine 1500mg
- Artemis Tea Tasting
- Flu Season
- Nutralife Vtamin C 500mg
- Our new Brochure is out
- Kapiti Kitchen Fruit Syrup
- Bondi Sands Self Tanning
- Artemis Tea
Winton Pharmacy Ltd Events
- flu vaccinations
- Covid Booster Vaccinations
- Hayfever Season
- Skinnies sungel SPF30
- Cetaphil Sunscreen Liposomal
- Minor Ailments consultations
- Elevit 100's for $80
- Lyposomal Vitamin C
- Spring Brochure now out
- Go Vir-Defence
- Losec Extra 20mg
- Rhuger
- 30-Plus .....on Special now
- Apple Cider Vinegar in a capsule
- Buccaline Time....time for your second course of Buccaline to get you through to the end of Winter
- Boody...Organic Bamboo Eco Wear
- Revlon Colourstay Life Proof Twist and GO
- Ester-C plus Echinacea and Probiotics
- Harkers Herbals
- Tumeric...Good Health
- Lastest Brochure now out
- Arthrem...special
- Good Health Tumeric Extra Strength
- Cathy Kidston
- Nude by Nature
- Medication Safety Week
- Vicks Vapourisers...SPECIAL PRICE
- Revlon Gift with Purchase
- Junior Animals Immunoforte.....Free Fruit Infuser Water Bottle with Purchase
- Time for Flu Vaccinations
- Buccaline Time
- Lastest Brouchure
- Revlon bonus Lipliner
- Flash eyelash serum
- REVLON ...Insta Blush
- Arthrem Special
- Baby Sukin
- Revlon Mascara and eyeliner special
- Win With Sukin
- Go Healthy..Buy any 2 selected products for $40
- Win a Nutribullet with Robitussin
- Vir-Defence for Winter Ills Prevention
- Go Vita-C 500mg
- Lastest Brochure
- Arthrem
- Go Healthy Vitamin Specials
- Revlon GWP
- Nutralife Probiotic 50 Billion
- Go Healthy Vitamin Specials
- Daylong Suntivity
- Photo Canvas 60% off
- New Summer Brochure
- Winton Open Day
- Revlon Gel Envy
- Sunsense Ultra 50 plus Sunscreen
- Stoptober
- Revlon Gift with Purchase
Winton Pharmacy Ltd Store
- Bondi Sands
- Cetaphil Sunscreen 50plus
- Kiwiherb
- Nude by Nature
- Harkers
- Koru Nutrition
- Allerstop
- Artemis Remedies
- Deep Sleep Tea
- Breast Feeding Tea
- Digestive Ease tea
- Immuno Boost TEa
- Chest Relief Mixture
- Kids Chest Relief ..night
- Pregancy Tea
- Kids Chest Relief Day
- Buccaline
- Ethical Nutrients
- Avene
- Clinicians
- Elevit
- Go Healthy Natural Vitamins
- Antibiotic Support
- Magnesium-1-A_DAY
- Glucosamine -1-A-DAY
- Go Stress Remedy
- Cranberry 60,000 Capsules
- Go Vir-defence
- Fish Oil 2000mg Odourless Capsules
- Good Health
- Nutralife
- Ester C®
- Joint Care
- Kyolic® Aged Garlic Extract™
- Magnesium Complete
- Mens Multi
- Magnesium Complete
- Lysine 200
- Probiotic
- Revlon
- Sukin
- Thin Lizzy
- Trilogy