Warfarin INR Testing

We are now conducting INR (warfarin) testing in-pharmacy. This is a free service which involves a quick, virtually pain-free finger prick test. We give you instant results including your recommended warfarin dose.
INR testing and warfarin management
Do you take warfarin?
- Would you like Winton Pharmacy to help you manage your warfarin treatment?
- Would you like to have your INR measured with a finger prick of blood instead of a laboratory test?
- Would you like you INR results within 5 minutes of having you blood test?
- Would you like to know your warfarin dose instantly instead of waiting all day for a phone call?
- Would you like a printed calendar illustrating your warfarin dose to take home?
The CoaguChek meter requires less blood and is therefore less painful than a venous blood sample. The results are as accurate as a lab based venous sample but are available much faster.
Every patient will also receive a comprehensive warfarin counseling session with one of the qualified pharmacists to ensure they have a good understanding of warfarin. You will get a handout covering all the important information to remember about warfarin to take home.
Overview - What does the Community Pharmacy Warfarin Service involve?
Community Pharmacy Warfarin Services are the provision of INR point-of-care testing by accredited community pharmacists. Following a finger prick sample of blood analysed in a machine to determine the INR result, the pharmacist adjusts the next dose of warfarin according to agreed Standing Orders and an approved on-line computer decision-support system which calculates the dose and date of the next test.
Similar to finger prick testing for blood glucose, the test result is available within minutes and the patient receives printed treatment advice immediately on the dose they should take. The GP is automatically informed of each test and the recommended dose.
How does the Service work?
- The GP refers the patient to the service.
- The patient’s INR is tested using a finger-prick sample of blood placed on a test strip and analysed in a small portable device. The INR Online software automatically provides the result and calculates a recommended dose.
- The pharmacist reviews the result, provides advice on the dose and date of the next test, and prints out a small dosing calendar for the patient to take away.
- The INR result is automatically sent to the PMS Provider Inbox. In addition, the GP is alerted by email of any results outside the set range of 1.5 – 4. Using this information the GP has the opportunity to adjust the suggested dose and date of the next test.
- Patients are able to return to care by the GP at any time