Winton Pharmacy Ltd
  • Madeleine Miles
  • 266 Great North Road
  • Winton 9720

Geoff and Michelle Carleton...Pharmacists

Geoff and Michelle Carleton...Pharmacists Geoff and Michelle bought Winton Pharmacy from Peter Burdon in 1999. Before this time they owned Carletons Pharmacy in Otautau which had belonged to Geoffs father. Michelle also had worked at Winton Pharmacy after she had finished training as a Pharmacist and before having their three daughters.

Since their children are now working  Michelle has had more time to implement additional health services that they are now offering at the pharmacy. Michelle qualified as an independent vaccinator in 2012 and has been giving flu along with other vaccinations in the pharmacy and out in the community since then.

She has just completed an advanced diploma in Nutrition and can help you with advice in this area. She has also got up and running INR testing in the pharmacy (see under health services)
Geoff and Michelle will continue to look at other health services that can be of benefit to the community. Michelle has lots of interests including travel, golf, reading, pilates, sewing and knitting.....finding it hard to fit everything in.

Geoff is a trustee of the Otautau and Winton Medical centres and a keen golfer.

Since April 2024 they are no longer owners as their daughter Madeleine has taken over ownership
Winton Pharmacy
Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Saturday 9.30am - 12.30pm

Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand
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